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ClubIT’s COVID-19 Statement and Response

ClubIT’s Position

The global spread of COVID-19 has developed into a situation that’s without modern precedent.

What started off as an isolated issue in China quickly became a global one and what was initially paranoia (and idiots buying toilet paper in Australia), over the last week it’s certainly become a real issue that as responsible businesses we need to take a measured response to.

ClubIT has therefore formed a position that where we can complete work remotely, we will do so, to avoid physical contact where unnecessary.

As part of ClubIT Proactive, starting 17/3/2020, clients who are scheduled for a Proactive visit the next day will receive a confirmation call from one of our staff – where it’s determined the Proactive work can be completed remotely, we will then do so.

On the day of your Proactive work, the technician responsible will call you up to provide notice that the work is starting and if there’s any other day-to-day issues you would like us to look at remotely we will do so. Upon completion you will be advised of the completed work.

Where there are urgent jobs or jobs that require physical onsite presence these jobs will be completed as normal.

ClubIT has invested significant money in recent years in smart technology that enables us to monitor and manage significant portions of our clients’ systems remotely – we’re in a fortunate position that there’s only a small subset of work that needs to be completed onsite.

We feel this is a measured approach that minimises the largest risk, that being one of our technicians going from site to site potentially causing issues for multiple clients, but in essence doesn’t change the work that we do day-to-day for our clients, just the manner in which we do it.

We will review this position again at the start of April and advise accordingly.

What we will be doing for you

For the rest of this month, we will also be offering remote solutions free of charge for clients, that being where you have staff that presently don’t have the ability to work from home but require it, we will put in place a suitable solution at no charge to enable them to do so.

For our Club clients specifically, we are also conscious of the fact that some of your large events will inevitably get affected by COVID-19 which will have an effect on cash flow. Beyond remote access for staff, if there’s anything else within reason that we can do to assist with the issue, we will also be offering to complete this work free of charge upon application and where there’s a direct relation to COVID-19.

We have two priorities right now: look after our clients interests and our staff; where we can provide further assistance we will most definitely be doing so.

If you have any questions, please contact us. We’ve tried to not buy into the hysteria too much while also being responsible and acting within reason and the result is a fairly minimal change to how we operate which minimises risk but enables us to continue business as usual.


Ben Smith
Ph: 1300 788 874

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