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It might look like a duck and quack like a duck, but it’s not always necessarily a duck…

myGov scam tricking victims into handing over bank details through cloned website BY PATRICK WILLIAMSUPDATED THU 5 JUL 2018, 5:13 PM AESTEmailFacebookTwitterWhatsApp Scammers have cloned the myGov website and are luring in victims with a phishing email claiming to come from Medicare asking them to update their banking details. A warning over the scam was issued by… Read More »It might look like a duck and quack like a duck, but it’s not always necessarily a duck…

4 Phishing Attack Trends of 2019

Few cyber threats are as prevalent and costly as phishing attacks. In 2018, Microsoft documented a 250% increase in phishing campaigns, which masquerade as legitimate products or services but actually carry malicious payloads that steal credentials and compromise IT integrity. To no surprise, the rise of phishing attacks continues to trend upward and is wreaking… Read More »4 Phishing Attack Trends of 2019

Your Business Credentials: A Hacker’s Hole-in-One

Digital credentials, such as usernames and passwords, connect you and your employees to critical business applications and online services. Unfortunately, criminals know this — and that’s why digital credentials are among the most valuable assets found on the Dark Web. What is the Dark Web? The Dark Web is made up of digital communities that… Read More »Your Business Credentials: A Hacker’s Hole-in-One

How Retailers Can Navigate Omni-channel Customer Experience

Savvy retailers know the value of building a strong presence across multiple channels. However, while businesses see the brick-and-mortar store at the mall, their mobile app, their e-commerce store and their various social media pages as separate channels, shoppers see the retailer as a single brand. Customer loyalty is towards the brand and not one… Read More »How Retailers Can Navigate Omni-channel Customer Experience

Micropower Payroll Classic discontinuation, discussing the options

Background Micropower have recently advised clients that they will be discontinuing their Payroll classic program for the 18/19 financial year, the reason being that the program requires substantial updates in order to stay relevant to the ATO legislation. Micropower is now recommending users of Classic Payroll migrate away from the program to an alternate payroll… Read More »Micropower Payroll Classic discontinuation, discussing the options

The Essential Eight of Cybersecurity Explained

The costs of cyber attacks and cyber crimes are significantly more expensive than taking preventative measures. The Australian Signals Directorate published the latest version of its ‘Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents’ in April 2019, a prioritised list of mitigation strategies known as ‘The Essential Eight’, designed to assist organisations in protecting their systems against… Read More »The Essential Eight of Cybersecurity Explained

Why Small Businesses Neglect Cybersecurity

Small businesses already have enough to think about: limited cash flow, tight resources and staff going beyond job descriptions to accomplish more. Because of these, small business owners typically don’t put a lot of time and energy into cybersecurity, even though they invest in technology like software, websites and other applications. However, because 43% of… Read More »Why Small Businesses Neglect Cybersecurity

Myths about cloud computing: Cloud vs In-House infrastructure

I read a lot about cloud infrastructure being highly scalable with the ability to easily increase system resources as a business’s needs grow. This is correct but it isn’t unique to cloud-based systems. Underneath all of the marketing hyperbole, on a technical level, all of the modern server deployments use the same virtualisation technology. From… Read More »Myths about cloud computing: Cloud vs In-House infrastructure

Safeguard Your Small Business With These 4 Tips

If you are a small business or a small enterprise, being targeted by cyber criminals halfway across the globe has probably never crossed your mind. After all, there are bigger businesses out there to target and your little computer or web server is not worth the bother, right? Well, wrong. Small businesses are actually easily… Read More »Safeguard Your Small Business With These 4 Tips

Why Assistive Technologies in Aged Care Matter

In the next decade, people of all ages will expect access to affordable broadband internet for whatever purpose, including Aged Care telehealth and other technologies that will provide the elderly with a sense of independence, quality of life and well-being. This is where assistive technologies come in. The Australian Government Productivity Commission describes assistive technologies… Read More »Why Assistive Technologies in Aged Care Matter